Outdoor Dining
Outdoor dining has become an institution in cities that pride themselves on food. Paris, Barcelona and Singapore are synonymous with...
The Night Time Economy
By 5.30pm most people leave work, head to their bus or car, and make their way home in a frustrating rush hour. By 6.30 on a week night...
A Lord Mayor’s role in our City, State & Nation
A column Stephen wrote whilst Lord Mayor… It is easy to stereotype local government as “rates, roads and rubbish”, but in the 21st...
The role of Chinatown in our cities
Asia is booming. Its economy has proven resilient during economic downturn and it is overwhelming to contemplate cities bigger than...
A Social Media Mayor!
Stephen was recognised as one of Australia’s leading social media Mayors – he wrote this column about the topic… Social media certainly...
Adelaide; A world leader in Smart Cities
Pondering how digital technologies will change how we as citizens live, work and play is both overwhelming and exciting. There are now a...